Kevin Ross The Podcast

Happy Birthday Boss Ross. What You Get Us?

Episode 18

Blow up the balloons, cut the cake and pop the cork! Boss Ross is celebrating a milestone birthday and you’re invited to hear his musings on what life, at this age, means to him. No presents, just your presence is being requested. Don’t be tardy to the party!


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Hi, I’m Kevin Ross and this is The Podcast, Happy Birthday, Boss Ross. What you get us?

Right now, it’s unfathomable to me that I am officially 60 years old. Talk about hitting a milestone, boy. Well, I know people who brought 60 in with big parties or an excursion to an exotic location.

I’ve decided to just chill. That’s right. Which is out of character for me. But I wanted to feel this moment without any distraction.

I wanted to conjure up all the incredible people I’ve crossed paths with while on this earth, some of whom never even made it to 60 and essentially thank them for bringing me where I am today.

Now, I’m gonna be honest with you initially, I was low key conflicted about acknowledging my age. I’ve seen myself as being young for so long. It’s actually strange that this 60 number represents how many trips I’ve made around the sun.

And then when you know, working in entertainment an industry fixated on youth, it’s, it’s not necessarily in one’s best interest to disclose an actual date of birth. But the facts are, I have one living parent in her mid eighties and two adult sons. News flash. I’m a ’63 baby.

That’s when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. And the Beatles song, “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was zooming up the music charts.

Do you know it wasn’t until 1963 that us zip codes were introduced? That was also the year the modern Civil Rights Movement went into overdrive post, Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.’s. I have a dream speech at the March on Washington.

Hell, when, when I was growing up there, there were no cordless phones, let alone one that could simultaneously be a radio, map, calculator, timer, answering machine, clock, camera, video recorder. Even today, I, I’m blown away by what phones can do.

Too bad It can’t make my sometimes sore hands less stiff so I can secure my top shirt button and tie a tie – or keep my physique as firm as it was or my brain as quick. Yeah, aging in some ways kind of sucks. On the one hand, I find I’m more emotional. On the other I’m less pressed when things don’t work out if that makes sense.

Dressing up it’s not as important, to me anyway. Now, traveling and experiencing new adventures, that’s a big priority. So, are vitamins and I don’t know, great stories, clever writing – comfortable sheets and quality pillows. I’m listening to myself and I’m like, “oh, you are old”.

Jewelry definitely seems less necessary. Now, food ingredients, cilantro, radishes, garlic, peppers. That’s what grabs my attention of late and sunsets at the beach. They still knock my socks off.

These are just my random thoughts. Like, I don’t know, there’s never been a time I’ve attended so many funerals – family members, friends, classmates, neighbors, colleagues, the children of my peers. It’s weird.

And yet doing so compels me to encourage folks, especially in their twenties, thirties and forties – to stop wasting time and step on the gas with whatever is important to you. Be it, education or getting in shape. Life is for the living. It’s meant to be experienced to the fullest despite hating your job, a bad breakup, not graduating on time or having only a few coins in your checking account –

forget about your savings. Come on now. Take risks – Sieze the moment. I don’t know, allow someone to crack your heart open even if it ends up being broken. When you look back, don’t have regrets that you didn’t finish something you started, do it.

For others, maybe it’s time to pivot change course. Maybe it’s time to tap into your spirituality. Going to therapy if you’re stuck, show up for that 12 step meeting to overcome your gambling or alcohol addiction. Smile more.

Handle your unfinished business, ask people their name and have conversations with them. Forgive. Say to someone, I’m sorry. Nothing I’m communicating here is earth shattering it and yet somebody out there needs to hear this.

So indulge me for using the occasion of my birthday to carry this message. And if you’re trying to figure out a gift for me, no, really, seriously, you, you shouldn’t. But if you are – have someone listen to what you just heard Ok?

Alright, that’s my wish. Time to blow out the candles and follow my own advice. Happy birthday my fellow Geminis. 60 never looked so good.

I’m Kevin Ross and this is The Podcast powered by TheGrio. Follow me @IamBossRoss on Instagram and Twitter. Thanks for listening. See you next time.