About April Ryan

April Ryan is also the Washington D.C Bureau Chief and Senior White House Correspondent at theGrio. She can be seen on CNN as a political analyst. Ryan is the longest-serving Black woman reporter in the White House press corps and has served on the board of the prestigious White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) for 25 years. She is one of only three African Americans in the Association’s over 100-year history to serve on its board. She is also an esteemed member of the National Press Club. In 2015, Ms. Ryan was nominated for an NAACP Image Award (Outstanding Literary Work - Debut Author) for her first book.

April opened the DC Bureau for theGrio and led theGrio to a permanent White House Briefing room seat and into presidential and supplemental pool duty, a first for a Black-owned digital news organization.

All Articles

June 14, 2023
Republicans are strategically working to dismantle not only affirmative action but also diversity, equity and inclusion. Any day now, the
May 30, 2023
In her New York Times best-selling book, “The Light We Carry,” Mrs. Obama writes about navigating hardships in troubling times
May 26, 2023
“As the only person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan’s record of public service
May 23, 2023
Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP, tells theGrio, “Race is being used as a powerful tool” in the
May 13, 2023
“We all saw the photo go viral,” Nicole Phillips, legal director at Haitian Bridge Alliance, told theGrio. A decision by
May 8, 2023
Getting the support of Black voters – a majority of whom do not align with his politics – would come
April 18, 2023
During a call with the 16-year-old Missouri shooting victim on Monday night, President Joe Biden wished Yarl a speedy recovery.
April 14, 2023
“If we go home and we haven’t addressed gun safety in a meaningful way … we would have committed a
April 4, 2023
Attorney Lanny Davis tells theGrio that politics won’t work in the court of law, adding, “Only facts matter.” As former
March 28, 2023
“Blood doesn’t know a political party,” former Obama administration education secretary Arne Duncan told theGrio. Questions of gun control and
March 27, 2023
As a history-maker already, Harris marks further history as the first sitting female, Black and south Asian U.S. vice president
March 1, 2023
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week released his new book “The Courage to Be Free,” which is largely seen as the
February 20, 2023
The Biden-Harris administration has moved to provide debt relief for Louisiana homeowners impacted by Hurricane Katrina nearly 20 years after
February 16, 2023
Editor’s note: Since the publication of this report, EPA Administrator Micheal Regan has postponed his trip to Africa due to
February 13, 2023
President Joe Biden and first lady Dr. Jill Biden will host a screening of the acclaimed film “Till” Thursday evening
February 13, 2023
According to some presidents of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), there’s a welcomed phenomenon happening on their campuses. Enrollment,
February 10, 2023
A new, younger era of Democratic leadership has emerged in Washington – even as the party is currently led by
February 7, 2023
More than a dozen families of Black victims killed or brutalized by police have been invited by Congressional Black Caucus
February 6, 2023
President Joe Biden is entering a moment of great consequence as he prepares to deliver his second State of the
February 3, 2023
Democrats are decrying “hypocrisy” after House Republicans voted on Thursday to oust U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the House